By Jitra Waikagul
ISBN-10: 012407720X
ISBN-13: 9780124077201
Approaches to analyze at the Systematics of Fish-Borne Trematodes is a concise consultant for systematic experiences of the superiority of fish-borne trematodes either within the endemic parts and experimental laboratories. It comprises the right way to determine species of fish-borne trematodes to reinforce the precision of analysis reviews according to the metacercarial stage.
Misidentification of trematode species is a standard incidence while researchers are new to the sphere and feature no counsel. Consequentially, occasionally guides file faulty incidence charges of those parasites. This compact consultant provides transparent path on:
- Collection of parasites within the ultimate hosts
- Collection of cercaria from snail first intermediate hosts
- Collection of metacercaria from fish hosts
- Molecular identity of parasites
- Systematics of fish-borne trematodes
- Provides examine guidance and protocols for learning systematics of fish-borne trematodes utilizing either morphological and molecular data
- Presents keys to permit identity of metacercariae of fish-borne trematodes within the higher Mekong subregion
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Anterior end without circle spines... 3 2a. Oral sucker simple... Centrocestus Looss, 1899 (Fig. 6) 2b. Oral sucker with posterior conical appendage... Ascocotyle Looss, 1899 (Fig. 7) 3a. Ventral sucker sublateral............. Metagonimus Katsurada, 1912 (Fig. 8) 3b. Ventral sucker median... 4 4a. Seminal vesicle proximal chamber thick-walled and an expulsor... 5 4b. Seminal vesicle chambers thin-walled... 6 5a. Ventral sucker unarmed, gonotyl armed with minute spines, testis single... Procerovum Onji & Nishio, 1910 (Fig.
2. Komiya Y, Kobayashi A. Evaluation of Kato’s thick smear technique with a cellophane cover for helminth eggs in faeces. Jpn J Med Sc Biol 1966;19:59À64. 3. Katz N, Chaves A, Pelegrino J. A simple device for quantitative stool thick smear technique in Schistosomiasis mansoni. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 1972;14:397À400. 4. Ritchie LS. An ether sedimentation technique for routine stool examination. Bull Unit Stat Arm Med Depart 1948;4:326. 5. Sato M, Sanguankiat S, Pubampen S, et al. Egg laying capacity of Haplorchis taichui (Digenea: Heterophyidae) in humans.
Sp. Kyoto Igaku Zasshi 1922;19:1À14. 10. Kuntz RE, Chandler AC. Studies on Egyptian trematodes with special reference to the heterophyids of mammals. II. Embryonic development of Heterophyes aqualis Looss. J Parasitol 1956;42:613À25. 11. Asada J. Studies on the genus Heterophyes prevalent among the Japanese people. Experimental investigations on the life history of Heterophyes heterophyes. Jikken Igaku Zasshi 1928;12 [897À48. (in Japanese)]. CHAPTER 4 Collection of Fish-Borne Trematodes in Infective Stage from the Fish: The Second Intermediate Host The infective stage of the fish-borne trematode is the encysted form of metacercariae in fish.
Approaches to Research on the Systematics of Fish-Borne Trematodes by Jitra Waikagul
by George