Download e-book for kindle: Crystallography and Crystal Defects, Second Edition by Anthony Kelly, Kevin M. Knowles(auth.)

By Anthony Kelly, Kevin M. Knowles(auth.)

ISBN-10: 0470750154

ISBN-13: 9780470750155

ISBN-10: 1119961467

ISBN-13: 9781119961468

Content material:
Chapter 1 Lattice Geometry (pages 1–41):
Chapter 2 element teams and area teams (pages 43–84):
Chapter three Crystal constructions (pages 85–122):
Chapter four Amorphous fabrics and distinctive forms of Crystal–Solid Aggregates (pages 123–140):
Chapter five Tensors (pages 141–163):
Chapter 6 pressure, pressure, Piezoelectricity and Elasticity (pages 165–196):
Chapter 7 flow and Texture (pages 197–239):
Chapter eight Dislocations (pages 241–267):
Chapter nine Dislocations in Crystals (pages 269–304):
Chapter 10 element Defects (pages 305–334):
Chapter eleven Twinning (pages 335–361):
Chapter 12 Martensitic differences (pages 363–390):
Chapter thirteen Crystal Interfaces (pages 391–433):

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Example text

It is a cube with lattice points at the cube corners and one at the centre. It can be designated I, the cubic body-centred lattice. 32. 32 The relationship between the primitive unit cell and the conventional cell in the body-centred cubic lattice We have just described the three lattices consistent with the possession of four three-fold axes of rotational symmetry. 191–n. The unit cell of each can be taken as a cube with a = b = c; a = b = g = 90°. The primitive cell contains one lattice point, the face-centred cell four, and the body-centred cell two.

Specify a more conventional description of the lattice type and describe the relationship of the sides of the unit cell for this new lattice type in terms of the monoclinic I unit cell. 11 Å and a = b = g = 90°. Crystals show – – – ––– the faces (111), (111), (111) and (111) and the faces parallel to these, namely (11 1), –– – – –– (111 ), (111) and (1 1 1 1). Such crystals look like regular or distorted octahedra. –– (a) Find the zone axis symbol (indices) of the zone containing (111) and (1 1 1).

Calculate the interatomic distances Ti–O for the titanium atom at 12 , 12 , 12 . 3 The unit cells of several orthorhombic crystals are described below. What is the Bravais lattice of each? (a) Two atoms of the same kind per unit cell located at: 0, 1 , 0; 1 , 0, 1 . 2 2 2 (b) Four atoms of the same kind per unit cell located at: ( )( ) ( )( ) x, y, z; x , y , z; 1 + x , 1 − y , z ; 1 − x , 1 + y , z . 2 2 2 2 (c) Two atoms of one kind per unit cell located at kind located at 0, 0, 12 ; 12 , 12 , 0.

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Crystallography and Crystal Defects, Second Edition by Anthony Kelly, Kevin M. Knowles(auth.)

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