Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells by Manfred W. Breiter PDF

By Manfred W. Breiter

ISBN-10: 3642461557

ISBN-13: 9783642461552

ISBN-10: 3642461573

ISBN-13: 9783642461576

The necessity for a greater knowing of the elemental techniques that make sure the operation of gasoline cells grew to become obtrusive through the devel­ opment of useful devices within the final 3 many years. the hunt for effective electrocatalysts in low-temperature gasoline cells intensified the overall learn of the character and the function of the electrode fabric. Re­ seek at the advanced mechanisms of the anodic oxidation of alternative fuels and of the aid of molecular oxygen on stable electrodes was once encouraged, and the robust impression of adsorbed species at the electrode response in query was once investigated. compatible electrolytes needed to be came across for the high-temperature gasoline cells. using electrodes with huge inner floor result in the improvement of versions of porous electrode. buildings and to the mathematical research of the operation of those versions lower than definite stipulations. whereas the chapters I to III introduce the reader to the final box offuel cells, the growth made within the knowing of the elemental difficulties within the electrochemistry of gas cells because the finish of the second one global conflict is reviewed in chapters IV to XVI of this monograph. against this, the technological features invaluable for the improvement of functional devices usually are not coated the following. The open literature released as books or as papers in medical journals has been thought of as much as the time of the writing of the ultimate draft of the explicit bankruptcy, a minimum of until eventually the tip of 1967.

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Extra info for Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells

Example text

DOGONADZE: Coli. Czech. Chern. Cornrnun. 26,193 (1961). 6. KRISHTALlK, L. : Zhur. Fiz. Khirn. 33,1715 (1959). 7. , and M. VOLMER: Z. physik. Chern. AlSO, 203 (1930). 8. : Z. physik. Chern. SO, 641 (1905). 9. : Rec. Trav. Chirn. Pays-Bas 46, 582 (1927). 10. : Trans. Faraday Soc. 54, 1053 (1958). II. , and B. WEBLUS: Z. Elektrochern. 55, 114 (1951). 12. , and R. CLAMROTH: ibid. 58,493 (1954). 13. - Electrochirn. Acta 7, 25 (1962). 14. VETTER, K. : Elektrochernische Kinetik, Chap. 2E. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: Springer 1961.

5 V/sec while some overlapping is often found during the cathodic sweep. Therefore 1- U curves measured during the anodic sweep are used for a further evaluation only. 1 M NaOH at 25 °C are plotted in Fig. 8. The i - U curves are readily reproducible and do not change their shape with time after a few initial cycles. The initial cycles serve [35] to remove impurities from the surface. Impurities do not diffuse back to the electrode surface to any appreciable extent in the time of half a cycle because their volume concentration is small in pure electrolytes.

25. , N. IBL, E. LEVART, G. MILAZZO, G. VALENSI, and P. VAN RYSSELBERGHE: J. Electroanalyt. Chern. 7, 417 (1964). 26. BAGOTZKY, V. , and Yu. B. VASILlEV: Electrochirn. Acta 9, 869 (1964). 27. KHASOVA, O. , Yu. B. VASILlEV, and V. S. BAGOTZKY: Izv. Akad. Nauk. R. Otd. Khirn. 1539, 1778 (1965). 28. : Discussions Faraday Soc. 45,40 (1968). 29. BONHOEFFER, K. : Z. physik. Chern. Al13, 199 (1924). 30. , and M. POLANYI: Acta Physicochirn. USSR 2, 505 (1935). 31. , and P. DELAHAY: J. Chern. Phys. 23, 195 (1955).

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Electrochemical Processes in Fuel Cells by Manfred W. Breiter

by Brian

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