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By F. F. Mazda (Eds.)

ISBN-10: 0408005904

ISBN-13: 9780408005906

ISBN-10: 0408054301

ISBN-13: 9780408054300

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77 In this system a hypothesis is set up and is then tested at a given confidence level. For example, suppose a coin is tossed 100 times and it comes up heads 60 times. Is the coin biased or is it likely that this falls within a reasonable sampling error? The hypothesis is set up that the coin is not biased. e. 5. 5. 05. 6. Therefore it is highly likely that the coin is not biased and the results are due to sampling error. The results of any significance test are not conclusive. 45% too high a confidence level to require?

4 is seen to be greater than 10%. The conclusion would be that although there is a trend, as yet there are not enough data to show if this trend is significant or not. e. 3 it is seen that the results are highly significant since there is a very low probability, less than ¿%, that it can arise by chance. 16). An alternative method is to use the Student t test of significance. This is given by 6/10 Statistics where r is the correlation coefficient and n the number of items. 3, which give the probability level for (n — 2) degrees of freedom.

12 Mutual inductance This is the phenomenon whereby a changing current in one circuit produces a voltage in another. It is usually explained by appealing to the ideas of lines of magnetic flux which, when they change, produce an electromotive force in a circuit. 22. 79(a): (a) circuit not in resonance; (b) circuit in resonance inductor and the capacitor are equal. This leads to an alternative definition of Q, based on voltage magnification: voltage across inductor total voltage co0LI co0L rate dil/dt then a voltage proportional to di\/di will be induced in coil 2.

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Electronics Engineer's Reference Book by F. F. Mazda (Eds.)

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