Itamar Bodek's Environmental Inorganic Chemistry. Properties, Processes, PDF

By Itamar Bodek

ISBN-10: 0080368336

ISBN-13: 9780080368337

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960 From eq. 9 x 10"2 mm, the error is +16% Example 3 Estimate the vapor pressure of NH 3 at 352 K (79°C). The normal boiling point is 239 K. 54. 84. 2-11 Substituting in eq. 5%. 7 Literature Cited 1. , Physical Chemistry, other standard text on physical Oxford Univ. Press, London, 234 (1958) or any chemistry. 2. , "Vapor Pressures," Chemical Thermodynamics, 1, 218 (1973). 3. , "Considerations of a Vapour Pressure Temperature Equation, and Their Relation to Burnop's Boiling Point Function," J. Chem.

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Environmental Inorganic Chemistry. Properties, Processes, and Estimation Methods by Itamar Bodek

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