Download e-book for kindle: Extrachromosomal Elements in Lower Eukaryotes by Reed B. Wickner (auth.), Reed B. Wickner, Alan Hinnebusch,

By Reed B. Wickner (auth.), Reed B. Wickner, Alan Hinnebusch, Alan M. Lambowitz, I. C. Gunsalus, Alexander Hollaender, John R. Preer Jr., Laurens Mets, Richard I. Gumport, Claire M. Wilson, Gregory Kuny (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1468452517

ISBN-13: 9781468452518

ISBN-10: 1468452533

ISBN-13: 9781468452532

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Cerevisiae 1. ellipsoideus Fig. 3. - ~"'" "" 111~ Itt cae tat The boundaries of oxi3 intron 5y. The diagram at the top illustrates the relationship between the 3' end of the oxi3 gene in the laboratory strain D273-10B and that found in ~. eIlJlpsoideus. The exon sequences are nearly identical in the two strains, including the conserved EcoRI site from which the sequence across the site of I5y in DNA cloned from~. el1ipsoideus was obtained. Last two lines summarize the relevant sequences which indicate that the boundaries of the intron are correct as shown in Fig.

Butow and Andrew R. Zinn Department of Biochemistry The University of Texas Health Science Center Dallas, Texas 75235 INTRODUCTION The yeast mitochondrial genome is known to contain an assortment of optional DNA sequences composed primarily of introns, short GC-rich regions (GC clusters), and AT-rich stretches. Since these sequences are optional and present no obvious selection pressure to cells, it is easy to follow their genetic behavior in crosses together with other markers on the mitochondrial genome.

Pasteur 69:215-239. A. (1985) Nonreciprocal exchanges in the yeast mitochondrial genome. Trends Genet. 1:81-84. S. I. Grossman (1985) The unusual var1 gene of yeast mitochondrial DNA. Science 228:1496-1501. , L. d'Auriol, M. Betermier, G. Cottarel, A. Facquier, F. Galibert, and B. Dujon (1986) Universal code equivalent of a yeast mitochondrial intron reading frame is expressed into E. cole as a specific double-strand endonuclease. Cell 44:521-533. -----Dujon, B. (1980) Sequence of the intron and flanking exons of the mitochondrial 21S rRNA gene of yeast strains having different alleles at the wand rib-1 loci.

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Extrachromosomal Elements in Lower Eukaryotes by Reed B. Wickner (auth.), Reed B. Wickner, Alan Hinnebusch, Alan M. Lambowitz, I. C. Gunsalus, Alexander Hollaender, John R. Preer Jr., Laurens Mets, Richard I. Gumport, Claire M. Wilson, Gregory Kuny (eds.)

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