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By Ludwig Grunwaldt, Thomas K. Meehan (auth.), Professor Dr. Christoph Reigber, Professor Dr. Hermann Lühr, Dr. Peter Schwintzer (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3540383662

ISBN-13: 9783540383666

ISBN-10: 3642535445

ISBN-13: 9783642535444

In the summer time of 2000 the German geo-research satellite tv for pc CHAMP was once embarked on orbit. Its cutting edge payload association and the low intial orbit enable CHAMP to at the same time gather and virtually always examine distinct information on the subject of gravity and magnetic fields at low altitude. as well as this CHAMP additionally measures the impartial surroundings and ionosphere utilizing GPS techniques.

Eighteen months after the release, CHAMP examine teams from around the globe met on the Geo-Forschungs-Zentrum in Potsdam for an preliminary alternate of studies and effects. the most final result of this person assembly is summarized during this quantity. except technical information regarding the undertaking, the e-book bargains a accomplished perception into the current prestige of CHAMP facts exploitation for Earth process learn and useful functions in geodesy, geophysics and meteorology.

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We are mostly indebted to Dr. Grunwaldt from the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. References 1. Touboul P, Foulon B, Le Clerc G-M (1998) STAR, the accelerometer of the geodesic mission CHAMP. 49 th International Astronautical Congress Melbourne (A ustralia) 2. Jorgensen JL (1999) In orbit performance of a fully autonomous star tracker. 4th ESA International Conference on Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems, ESTEC, Noordwijk (Netherlands) CHAMP Clock Error Characterization Rolf Konig, Karl Hans Neumayer, Grzegorz Michalak, and Ludwig Grunwaldt GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany, koenigr@gjz-potsdam.

All three scale factors appear to be well determined. The values in the along-track and acrosstrack are closer the unity. 002 Table 1. CHAMP mean accelerometer biases (Jims -2) and drifts (Jims -2 Iday) 22 Case 3B3S 3B2S(TN) 3B2S(RT) Zhigui Kang et al. 00109 Table 2. CHAMP Accelerometer scale factors Fig. 1. CHAMP accelerometer biases Figure 1 is a time-series plot of estimated CHAMP daily accelerometer biases using different approaches. It also demonstrates that there is a large drift in the radial direction.

Iii E a z 50 2 3 4 Time (microseconds) 5 6 Fig. 6. Ocean-reflected GPS signal collected from space shuttle. 50 Thomas Yunck The reflection point can be estimated by an iterative procedure which models the nominal ocean surface through precise knowledge of the geoid and tides. Successive adjustments to the nominal reflection point are made until incidence and reflection angles agree to within a small tolerance (Wu, 1997). The chief error source, besides signal-to-noise, is the delay from tropospheric water vapor.

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First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies by Ludwig Grunwaldt, Thomas K. Meehan (auth.), Professor Dr. Christoph Reigber, Professor Dr. Hermann Lühr, Dr. Peter Schwintzer (eds.)

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