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By J. G. Peristiany

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It seems most improbable in a town of this size, three thousand inhabitants, that 49 HONOUR AND SHAME such a couple would remain in the place. Women who 'go off the rails' go off them elsewhere, and thereby they justify the countryman's cherished belief in the iniquity of the city. P Their disgrace is clearly recognized, but they are not treated as shameless. Their status is somewhat similar to that of a young widow. 'Their prospects of remarriage are very poor, since the man who wished to marry such a girl would be dishonoured - honour requires that one marry a virgin, since otherwise one becomes a retroactive cuckold - yet if their conduct gives no cause for scandal, they are distinguished from the loose women who come within the category of the shameless and who are sometimes designated by the word deshonradas, dishonoured.

Like tropical fish whose radiant colours fade once they are taken from the water, the concepts which compose such a system environment of the society which nurtures them and which resolves, thanks to its internal structuring, their conflicts with each other. The variations in the components of the notion of honour in Andalusia reflect, in this way, the articulation of the social structure, and can only be studied in terms of it. This is what we shall now try to do. Honour and Social Status in Andalusia A certain bashfulness disguises the expression of attitudes concerning honour in our own society (perhaps because the word has acquired archaic overtones), but this is not so in the small town in the Sierra de Cadiz where I first investigated this theme.!

He lives there with his widowed mother and keeps a small flock of sheep. These he takes out to pasture wherever he wishes, often beyond the frontiers of his land, in disregard of the land rights of the valley. The owners or lessees of pasture may find him any day encroaching upon their property, and if any reproach is made to him he merely utters oaths and throws rocks. Encroachment upon pasture is one of the causes of quarrels in which the honour of both parties becomes involved, but in this case it is not so.

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Honour and Shame by J. G. Peristiany

by Brian

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