Download e-book for kindle: Italian Christian Democracy: The Politics of Dominance by Robert Leonardi

By Robert Leonardi

ISBN-10: 0312031149

ISBN-13: 9780312031145

ISBN-10: 1349088943

ISBN-13: 9781349088942

ISBN-10: 134908896X

ISBN-13: 9781349088966

A research of the Italian Christian Democratic celebration from its delivery to the current day. it's the so much winning political celebration in any Western democracy and has been in strength seeing that 1945. This e-book analyzes its ideological foundations, citizens, association and ties to the Catholic world.

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In agriculture the goal was to promote the ereation of a class of peasant farmers and the formation of eooperatives. that the large agrieultural holdings be dismantled by the 34 Italian Christian Democracy state and be redistributed among tenant farmers and landless peasants. To implement these bold economic reforms, it was necessary for the party to have as an integral part of its political programme the notion that the re-establishment of political freedom required the guarantee of a parallel form of economic freedom, defined by the trade unionists as a more equitable distribution ofresources necessary for entrepreneurial as well as consumption purposes.

3 That programme was pieced together by the leadership as the party grew and attracted to its fold increasingly diverse segments of the Italian social and economic structure. The variety ofviews wh ich existed within Christian Democracy permitted the party to navigate the troubled waters of the postwar period without running aground on either purely free market capitalism or strong, centralised planning. In the post-war period, the DC was able to formulate an economic programme that mixed elements from both models of economic growth and provided for a significant amount of social provision and state presence in vital economic sectors, which today - forty years after the fact - represent the hallmark of wise economic policies.

The second part was written by a number of leading personalities of the two university organisations. 15 Many of the items commented upon by the Code had already appeared in statements made by Oe Gasperi, Malvestiti, and others. However, the circulation of the Code in 1945 underlined the transition of Catholic social and economic doctrine from the traditional 36 [talian Christian Democracy positions of social corporatism of the nineteenth century to a more modern conception of a popularly based form of industrial society and political order.

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Italian Christian Democracy: The Politics of Dominance by Robert Leonardi

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