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By Edmond Pognon

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Yet Dante will never suggest that there can be no place for a Church—of some sort—to aid and cultivate the spiritual ambitions of the individual. Indeed, as will emerge in Canto III, Dante has an unfailing sense of the human need for social and ethical authority. At the same time, it is an indication of the reformation envisioned by Dante that Virgil should at times be ascribed an almost priestly function in the Purgatorio and that Dante, in his own view of a true Church, should insist that it include among its members Manfred as a representative of the Just Empire.

Translated by Ralph Manheim. New York: Meridian Books, 1959, 11–76. Bennassuti, Luigi. La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Col commento cattolico di Luigi Bennassuti, arciprete di Cerea. Verona: G. Civelli, 1864–1868. Biagioli, G. La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri. Col commento di G[iosafatte] Biagioli. Milan: G. Silvestri, 1820–1821. Bisogni, Fabio. ” In Memorie e contributi alla musica dal medioevo all’età moderna offerti a Federico Ghisi [= Quadrivium 12 (1971): 81–91]. Campi, Giuseppe, ed.

Manfred’s enemies had themselves caused a great cairn of stones to be raised over their leader’s body (possibly in honor of his military virtues, possibly to exclude him from Christian burial): the Church, fearing that a cult might develop around the grave mora (“great heap of stones,” 129), desecrates the memorial. Manfred is a member of the first group of sinners who appear in the Purgatory without as yet having been given any particular form of penitential exercise. Yet it will already be clear that the state of purgation is seen as one that—beyond rational understanding and yet in keeping with notions of the rational relationship between the soul and God—can deliver even the excommunicate to salvation.

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La vita quotidiana nell'Anno Mille by Edmond Pognon

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