Monsters in the Italian Literary Imagination - download pdf or read online

By Keala Jane Jewell

ISBN-10: 0814328385

ISBN-13: 9780814328385

A tradition defines monsters opposed to what's basically regarded as human. Creatures equivalent to the harpy, the siren, the witch, and the half-human all threaten to wreck our experience of strength and intelligence and usurp our human attention. during this method, monster myths truly paintings to outline a culture's definition of what's human. In Monsters within the Italian Literary mind's eye, a large diversity of students learn the monster in Italian tradition and its evolution from the medieval interval to the 20th century. Editor Keala Jewell explores how Italian tradition juxtaposes the powers of the monster opposed to the human. The essays during this quantity interact a large choice of philological, feminist, and psychoanalytical ways and consider colossal figures from the medieval to postmodern classes. They every one proportion a severe curiosity in how monsters mirror a culture's dominant ideologies.

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10. "Nivasio Dolcemare aveva poca dimistichezza con Sayas. Lo sospettava anche di essere l'amante di Perdita o almeno di esserlo stato. Non si vuol dire con questo che Nivasio Dolcemare fosse geloso di Sayas. Come si pud essere gelosi di un medico? I rapporti sessuali tra il medico e la cliente fanno parte in certo modo della cura" (pp. 16-17). 43. Psyches Tale, p. 19. "E intanto continuava a esplorare con dito sapiente la sede immune di emorroidi. E concepibile tanta ignoranza deU'anatomia in uomo che passava per il primo medico di Salonicco?

Similarly, modernity's monsters may still "speak" ancient cosmologies and myths that persist in the present. In brief, there is a good deal more at stake in La nostra anima than 31 KEALA JEWELL revealing the monstrosity of a god. Savinio suggests that monsters are necessary to cultural self-definition. And he sets out, I shall argue, to create a narrative that might be called "meta-monstrous"—to design a discourse that is really about monster-making in the abstract. Yet Savinio s own enterprise cannot be viewed as a purely theoretical one.

58 This is not the case with Savinio's representation of the physically revolting, monstrous Dr. Sayas. While Savinio has labored to teach his readers that ideologies of sexual difference are produced in representations of the monstrous, Savinio does not engage racialist ideologies of difference with the kind of intense reflection he dedicates to sexual difference. The concept of race itself might have been the subject of his attack on outmoded dualist paradigms. Yet the opposite occurs: Savinio deploys precisely an anti-Semitic, racialist trait—the notion of purported Jewish deceptiveness—to articulate a dualistic difference between an 45 KEALA JEWELL "honest" and multiplicitous way of thinking and a manipulative scientific myth of the human essence.

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Monsters in the Italian Literary Imagination by Keala Jane Jewell

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