Download PDF by A. S. Hoffman (auth.), Erhan Piskin, Allan S. Hoffman (eds.): Polymeric Biomaterials

By A. S. Hoffman (auth.), Erhan Piskin, Allan S. Hoffman (eds.)

ISBN-10: 9400943903

ISBN-13: 9789400943902

ISBN-10: 9401084521

ISBN-13: 9789401084529

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Addition of chloroform, acetic acid, formami de, urea, sodium formate or ammonium formate to these solutions produces an increase in the 0: -helix content of the polymers, and the results obtained with PHPG are summarized in Figure 6. g. chloroform) has only a limited effect on the conformation of the polypeptide; formamide, sodium and ammon ium formate, on the other hand, are most efficient. Of particular interest is the observation that urea affects the conformation of PHPG in various ways, depending on the solvent used.

In addition, since theexperimentis connectedto a liveanimal,it is difficultto controlmany of theexperimentalvariablesinvolved. For example, bloodflow isextremelydifficult to controlor characterize. S ome investigators(95,96) use aroller p ump in theextracorporeal circuittocontrolt heflowrate, howeverthisuse may resultin increasedhemolysis. This 24 is a very qualitative measurement which is greatly affected by variability between test subjects (97). Also since this type of measurement is an endpoint determination the final patency evaluation may be misleading.

The occurrence of embolization is an important consideration in the assessment of the blood compatibility of a mater ial and should be monitored. Protein deposition, especially of fibrinogen, should be studied. The process of thrombosis is complex and it is necessary to study more than platelet adhesion in order to determine whether a material is compatible with blood or not. CONCLUSION Blood-material interactions are affected by a very complex series of reactions . Many experimental systems have been developed to measure these interactions, each with advantages and disadvantages.

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Polymeric Biomaterials by A. S. Hoffman (auth.), Erhan Piskin, Allan S. Hoffman (eds.)

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