Private Truths, Public Lies. The Social Consequences of - download pdf or read online

By Timur Kuran

ISBN-10: 0674707583

ISBN-13: 9780674707580

Choice falsification, in response to the economist Timur Kuran, is the act of misrepresenting one's desires below perceived social pressures. It occurs usually in way of life, corresponding to after we inform the host of a cocktail party that we're having fun with the nutrients after we truly locate it bland. In deepest Truths, Public Lies Kuran argues convincingly that the phenomenon not just is ubiquitous yet has large social and political results. Drawing on various highbrow traditions, together with these rooted in economics, psychology, sociology, and political technological know-how, Kuran offers a unified thought of the way choice falsification shapes collective judgements, orients structural swap, sustains social balance, distorts human wisdom, and conceals political percentages. a typical influence of choice falsification is the renovation of commonly disliked buildings. one other is the conferment of an air of mystery of balance on buildings liable to surprising cave in. whilst the aid of a coverage, culture, or regime is basically contrived, a minor occasion may well turn on a bandwagon that generates titanic but unanticipated swap. In distorting public opinion, choice falsification additionally corrupts public discourse and, for that reason, human wisdom. So constructions held in position through choice falsification might, if the lasts lengthy sufficient, in attaining more and more actual attractiveness. The ebook demonstrates how human wisdom and social buildings co-evolve in advanced and imperfectly predictable methods, with none warrantly of social potency. inner most Truths, Public Lies makes use of its theoretical argument to light up an array of confusing social phenomena. They contain the unforeseen fall of communism, the paucity, until eventually lately, of open competition to affirmative motion within the usa, and the sturdiness of the ideals that experience sustained India's caste process.

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Extra info for Private Truths, Public Lies. The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification

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In principle, the investigation of a circular relationship can start anywhere, provided one then travels the entire circle. For our purposes, however, it is best to start with the individual's influence on social outcomes, because preference falsification is an individual act. 20 The starting point of the analysis is the choice faced by an individual who must convey a preference on some issue. The issue is one where he will receive benefits or incur costs for the preference he expresses. Thus it is unlike that which he would encounter if asked to select, say, among flavors of ice cream, because that choice would not be of concern to others.

By threatening to withdraw his friendship from his neighbors supporting site A, he may. make them agree to his own preferred site, B. One may thus have rankings for the preference rankings of others, as when a farmer prefers that other farmers rank site B above site A, or that bilateral exchanges in some other society conform to his own definition of fairness. Such higher-order rankings are known as metapreferences, or values. The contexts in which the rankings of others matter are hardly limited to those where economic or technological factors necessitate some form of agreement.

The task requires recognizing that our private preferences on political issues rest at least partly on beliefs shaped by public discourse, which consists of the suppositions, facts, arguments, and theories that are communicated publicly. We do learn, of course, from our personal experiences, and we do think for ourselves. Yet the limitations of our cognitive powers allow us to reflect deeply and comprehensively on only a fraction of the issues on society's political agenda. However much we might want to scrutinize every issue on Significance of Preference Falsification 19 \)ur own, we all rely heavily on public discourse, and often on its ~tiperficial elements, for the private knowledge that will undergird our private preferences.

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Private Truths, Public Lies. The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification by Timur Kuran

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