Representation by A. H. Birch (auth.) PDF

By A. H. Birch (auth.)

ISBN-10: 0333118871

ISBN-13: 9780333118870

ISBN-10: 1349010448

ISBN-13: 9781349010448

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He declared that laws imposing taxation could never be legitimate unless passed with the voluntary consent of a majority of the potential tax-payers, expressed either directly or through their representatives. 3 There is no obvious logic in singling out taxation laws in this way, but Locke's decision to do so reflected the experience of the English Parliament, which had insisted on its sole right to impose measures of taxation as a way of compelling the king to convene Parliament at least once a year.

To this end there should be manhood suffrage, not because people had a natural right to political representation-Bentham regarded the idea of natural rights as nonsensical-but because only in this way would the personal interests of the whole population be reflected in the legislature. s in close contact with their constituents and to ensure that they did not have sufficient time to develop distinct interests of their own in their capacity as politicians. The monarchy and the House of Lords should be stripped of their powers, if not abolished, and the effective power of decision-making should be concentrated in this reformed House of Commons.

Although the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were distinguished in this way by a great outpouring of political ideas, not all of the writers had much to say about political representation. The most philosophical of them were concerned with the problems of political obligation rather than with those of representation, and this is not surprising, for philosophical reflection about an institution normally comes some time after the institution itself has developed. But the influence of these thinkers on subsequent writers has been so great that it will be appropriate to mention their ideas about representation before discussing the ideas of the politicians in each country.

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Representation by A. H. Birch (auth.)

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