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By B. Brinne

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Extra info for Solutions to Sakurai's Probls. in Quantum Mechanics

Example text

28. C. S. Peirce, The fixation of belief, Popular Science Monthly 12, 1, (November 1877). 29. H. Poincar´e. Science and Method . Translated by Francis Maitland, (Dover, New York, 1952). ] 30. I. Prigogine, Les Lois du Chaos, (Flammarion, Paris, 1994). 31. I. Prigogine, I. Stengers, Entre le temps et l’´eternit´e, (Fayard, Paris, 1988; coll. Champs, Flammarion, Paris, 1992). 32. L. E. Reichl, The Transition to Chaos in Conservative Classical Systems: Quantum Manifestations, (Springer, New York, 1992).

Sokal, J. Bricmont, Intellectual Impostures. Postmodern philosophers abuse of science, (Profile Books, London, 1998). 34. J. T. Beyer, (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1955). 35. W. Van Peer, Sense and nonsense of chaos theory in literary studies. In: The Third Culture: Literature and Science, pp. 40– 48. Ed by Elinor S. Shaffer. (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1998).

In: The Third Culture: Literature and Science, pp. 40– 48. Ed by Elinor S. Shaffer. (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1998).

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Solutions to Sakurai's Probls. in Quantum Mechanics by B. Brinne

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