O. Akhavan's Some Novel Thought Experiments. Foundations of Quantum PDF

By O. Akhavan

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In addition, the quantum potential for the center of mass of the two particles is zero at all times. Thus, we have y1 (t) = −y2 (t) and the two particles, in both the bosonic and fermionic case, will be detected at points symmetric with respect to the x-axis, as is shown in Fig. 1. 8) shows. SQM predicts that the probability of asymmetrical detection of the pair of particles can be different from zero in contrast to BQM’s symmetrical prediction. Furthermore, according to SQM’s 3. Study on double-slit device with two correlated particles 34 prediction, the probability of finding two particles at one side of the x-axis can be non-zero while it is shown that BQM forbids such events, provided that y(0) = 0.

5 Standard quantum mechanics predictions Based on SQM, the wave function can be associated with an individual physical system. It provides the most complete description of the system that is, 3. Study on double-slit device with two correlated particles 32 in principle, possible. The nature of description is statistical, and concerns the probabilities of the outcomes of all conceivable measurements that may be performed on the system. It is well known from SQM that, the probability of simultaneous detection of the particles at yM and yN , on the screen S2 , located at x1 = x2 = D and t = Dm/¯hkx , is equal to yM +△ yN +△ dy1 P12 (yM , yN , t) = yM yN dy2 |ψ(x1 , y1 ; x2 , y2 ; t)|2 .

Two double-slit experiment using position entanglement of EPR pair 19 the same symmetry of the velocity about the x-axis as for an ordinary double-slit experiment [3]. If we consider y = (y1 + y2 )/2 to be the vertical coordinate of the center of mass of the two particles 2 , then we can write y˙ = = = (y˙ 1 + y˙ 2 )/2 h ¯ 1 y1 + y2 −N )(ψA1 ψB ′ ± ψA2 ψB ′ + ψB1 ψA′ ± ψB2 ψA′ )} Im{ ( 1 2 1 1 2m ψ 2σ0 σt (¯ h/2m0σ02 )2 yt. 13), we obtain the path of the y-coordinate of the center of mass h/2mσ02 )2 t2 .

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Some Novel Thought Experiments. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by O. Akhavan

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