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By R.A. Palmer

ISBN-10: 1461357241

ISBN-13: 9781461357247

ISBN-10: 1461517931

ISBN-13: 9781461517931

X-ray crystallography presents us with the main exact photo we will be able to get of atomic and molecular constructions in crystals. It offers a difficult bedrock of structural leads to chemistry and in mineralogy. In biology, the place the buildings will not be absolutely crystalline, it may possibly nonetheless supply worthwhile effects and, certainly, the impression right here has been progressive. it really is nonetheless an enormous box for younger staff, and doubtless will supply but extra extraordinary advancements of a massive personality. It does, despite the fact that, require quite a lot of highbrow software, and a substantial skill in lots of fields. This e-book will supply a lot support. it's a very easy and thorough advisor to each point of the topic. The authors are ex­ perienced either as learn staff and as academics of status, and this can be proven of their readability of exposition. there are many illustrations and labored examples to help the coed to procure a true seize of the topic. the sensible facet is inspired through the very readability of the theory.

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4 External Symmetry of Crystals The existence of faces on a crystal in groups of two or more, in a similar orientation with respect to some line or plane in the crystal, is a manifestation of symmetry. 16 shows several sets of symmetrically arranged faces. Few of us have difficulty in recognizing symmetry in two-dimensional objects such as the outline of a shield, a Maltese cross, the three-legged emblem of the Isle of Man, a five-petaled Tudor rose, or the six-pointed Star of David. But it is a rather different matter when we are dealing with three-dimensional objects.

27) which is an expression of the Weiss zone law. In the zircon crystal, the vertical (prism) faces lie in one zone. 26), the zone symbol is [001]. The symbols [UVW] and [iil/W] refer to lines that are collinear, but of opposite sense. 27), we see that (110) and (1I0) are faces in the [001] zone, but (111) is not. 27) in a similar way. 26), it may be noted that the zone axis is described by [UVW], the simplest symbol; the axes that may be described as [nU, nY, nW] (n = 0, ±1, ±2, ... ) are coincident with [UVW].

27 depict rotational symmetry, whereas (f) shows reflection symmetry. Rotation Symmetry An object possesses rotational symmetry of degree R (or R-fold symmetry) if it can be brought from one state to another indistinguishable state by each and every rotation of (360/ R) degrees about the symmetry point, or rotation point. 27a-e illustrate the rotational symmetry elements R of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, respectively. The onefold element is the identity element, and is trivial; every object has onefold symmetry.

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Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography by R.A. Palmer

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