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By Huntington H.B.

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O 1~ 0 . 7__ll~ ~ II I Il I . . . 1. 2. Simple O-tube viscometer Reid, Prausnitz and Poling (1987) and some indication of the complexities involved in making estimates of the viscosities of mixed salt solutions may be gained from the survey made by Nowlan, Thi and Sangster (1980). 13) where A p = the pressure drop across the capillary of length I and radius r, and V = volume of fluid flowing in unit time. 2. The liquid under test is sucked into leg B until the level in this leg reaches mark z.

45 F D. 6. Diaphragm diffusion cell (after Dullien and Shemilt, 1961). A, light liquid compartment; B, heavy liquid compartment; C, stop-cock; D, E, capillaries; F, sintered glass diaphragm; G = polythene-coated iron stirrers; H, rotating magnets where A and L = area and thickness of diaphragm, and V1 and V2 = volume of the cell compartments. The above method is extremely time-consuming and the process of converting integral to differential values is both tedious and inaccurate. 0 '~ . . . .

A hard indenter is pressed into the surface under the influence of a known load and the size of the resulting indentation is measured. A widely used instrument is the Vickers indenter, which gives a pyramidal indentation, and the results are expressed as a Vickers hardness number (kgf ram-2). 2. Mohs scale of hardness Mohs hardness number M Reference substance Formula Vickers hardness number V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 talc gypsum calcite fluorite apatite orthoclase quartz topaz corundum diamond 3MgO.

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The Elastic Constants of Crystals by Huntington H.B.

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