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By Steven Weinberg

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It was found to be receding at a speed of 42,000 kilometres per second - 14 per cent of the speed of light. The distance, then estimated as 260 million light years, was at the limit of Mount Wilson's capability, and Hubble's work had to stop. With the advent after the war of larger telescopes at Palomar and Mount Hamilton, Hubble's programme was taken up again by other astronomers (notably Allan Sandage of Palomar and Mount Wilson), and continues to the present time. The conclusion generally drawn from this half-century of observation is that the galaxies are receding from us, with speeds proportional to the distance (at least for speeds not too close to that of light).

The distance, then estimated as 260 million light years, was at the limit of Mount Wilson's capability, and Hubble's work had to stop. With the advent after the war of larger telescopes at Palomar and Mount Hamilton, Hubble's programme was taken up again by other astronomers (notably Allan Sandage of Palomar and Mount Wilson), and continues to the present time. The conclusion generally drawn from this half-century of observation is that the galaxies are receding from us, with speeds proportional to the distance (at least for speeds not too close to that of light).

However, conditions were very different in the early universe; as we shall see, it was light that then formed the dominant constituent of the universe, and ordinary matter played only the role of a negligible contamination. It will therefore be useful to us later if we restate what we have learned about the red shift in terms of the behaviour of light waves in an expanding universe. Consider a light wave travelling between two typical galaxies. The separation between the galaxies equals the light travel time times the speed of light, while the increase in this separation during the light's journey equals the light travel time times the galaxies' relative velocity.

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The First Three Minutes - A Moderm View of the Origin of the Universe by Steven Weinberg

by Steven

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