Read e-book online Thinking Italian Translation: A Course in Translation PDF

By Stella Cragie, Ian Higgins, Sándor Hervey, Patrizia Gambarotta

ISBN-10: 0203977483

ISBN-13: 9780203977484

ISBN-10: 0415206804

ISBN-13: 9780415206808

ISBN-10: 0415206812

ISBN-13: 9780415206815

A accomplished and sensible path educating Italian-English translation talents. specializes in methods of enhancing translation caliber and in addition offers transparent definitions of translation theories. comprises unique texts from a number resources.

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Sample text

In casa sua ciascuno è re. He who sleeps catches no fish. In his house each is king. Le Blackpool vengono eseguite con la The Blackpool are executed with the stessa particolare cura dei vecchi same particular care of the old ciabattini. cobblers. For most translation purposes, it can be said that a bad calque imitates ST features to the point of being ungrammatical in the TL, while a good one compromises between imitating ST features and offending against TL grammar. It is easy, through haste or ignorance, to mar the TT with bad calques.

44 and 45–6, (i) Take any three suitable examples and explain why you think they are more a matter of balanced (SL/TL) translation (cf. p. 16) than of compensation. (ii) Analyse the principal cases where the translator seems to have used compensation to alleviate translation loss. Say why you think the compensation is successful or unsuccessful; if you think it could be improved, give your own translation, and explain why you think it is better. (iii) Analyse any cases where you think that significant translation loss is incurred without the translator apparently having tried to alleviate it with compensation.

Cultural borrowing only presents the translator with a true choice in cases where previous translation practice has not already firmly established the ST expression in the TL. So unless there are special contextual reasons for not doing so, it is virtually mandatory to render loan-expressions like ‘andante sostenuto’, ‘pizza’, ‘dolce far niente’, ‘terza rima’, ‘breccia’ or ‘intaglio’ verbatim into an English TT, because they have become the standard conventional equivalents of the Italian expressions.

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Thinking Italian Translation: A Course in Translation Method: Italian to English (Thinking Translation) by Stella Cragie, Ian Higgins, Sándor Hervey, Patrizia Gambarotta

by Jason

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