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By Carl Gustav Jung

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As such they are the foundation stones of the psychic structure, which in its totality exceeds the limits of consciousness and therefore can never become the object of direct cognition. Though the effects of anima and animus can be made conscious, they themselves are factors transcending consciousness and beyond the reach of perception and volition. Hence they remain autonomous despite the integration of their contents, and for reason they should be borne constantly in mind. This is extremely important from the therapeutic standpoint, because constant observation pays the unconscious a tribute that more or less guarantees its co-operation.

31 AION As magic circles they bind and subdue the lawless powers belonging to the world of darkness, and depict or create an order that transforms the chaos into a cosmos. 10 To the conscious mind the mandala appears at first as an unimpressive point or dot, 11 and a great deal of hard and disorientation or re-orientation. painstaking work as well as the integration of many projections are generally required before the full range of the symbol can be anything like completely understood. , are all formulations that can easily be mastered by the philosophic intellect.

THE SELF psychic process has a value quality attached to it, namely its feeling- tone. This indicates the degree to which the subject is affected by the process or how much it means to him (in so far as the process reaches consciousness at all). It is through the "affect" that the subject becomes involved and so comes to feel the whole weight of reality. The difference amounts roughly to between a severe illness which one reads about in a textbook and the real illness which one has. In psychology one posthat nothing unless one has experienced it in reality.

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Aion: Researches into the phenomenology of the self by Carl Gustav Jung

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