Gerald, Litwack's Biochemical Actions of Hormones. Volume 12 PDF

By Gerald, Litwack

ISBN-10: 0124528120

ISBN-13: 9780124528123

ISBN-10: 0323146341

ISBN-13: 9780323146340

Ebook via Litwack, Gerald

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P. (1983). Froc. Natl. Acad. Sei. A. 80, 3841-3844. Thomas, P. S. (1980). Froc. Natl. Acad. Sei. A. 77, 5201-5205. , and Kilpatrick, D. L. (1983). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 221, 309-323. , and Ruddle, F. D. /. Biol. Chem. 258, 94449453. , and Wen, L. F. (1982). / . Chromatogr. 239, 463-474. , Rivier, C , and Rivier, J. (1981). Science 213, 1394-1397. , Mulder, G. , Smelik, P. , andTilders, F. J. H. (1980). Life Sei. 27,1761-1768. Viveros, O. , Diliberto, E. , and Chang, K. J. (1979). Mol. Pharmacol.

However, peptide F and larger ECPs are not very active in assays of opioid activity (Kilpatrick et al, 1981c). The bioactivity assays suggest that peptide E and the smaller ECPs are the true end products of biosynthesis, whereas the larger fragments are intermediates in processing. The proenkephalin peptide sequences flanked by Lys-Arg or Lys-Lys sites are cleaved out of the precursor, whereas the Met-enkephalin sequence in peptide E that has an Arg-Arg on its C terminus is not released from the precursor.

Rosenfeld III. Transduction Mechanisms of TRH-Stimulated Prolactin Gene Transcnption A. Summary of the Initial Effects of TRH in GH Cells B. The Role of Calcium C. The Role of Cyclic AMP D. The Role of C-Kinase /V. The Potential Significance of Transcriptional Regulation by Peptide Hormones References 52 52 54 57 59 63 65 I. INTRODUCTION The interaction of peptide hormones with specific plasma membrane receptors can generate a diversity of intracellular signals, which regulate a variety of molecular events.

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Biochemical Actions of Hormones. Volume 12 by Gerald, Litwack

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