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By John C. Griffiths (auth.), Daniel F. Merriam (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1468477323

ISBN-13: 9781468477320

ISBN-10: 146847734X

ISBN-13: 9781468477344

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They are being used for file-building and information management, manipulation of subjective probabilities, image analysis of geoscience map data, and multivariate statistical analysis. These applications can be considered as components of resource analysis, a relatively new topic where the more speculative geological concepts regarding the genesis of mineral deposits are joined with the inductive logic of mathematical statistics and the data-processing capabilities of digital computers. COMPUTER-BASED MINERAL-RESOURCE ESTIMATION AND STATISTICAL EXPLORATION Some computer-based techniques for mineral-resource estimation are shown in Figure 1.

COMPUTER-BASED MINERAL-RESOURCE ESTIMATION AND STATISTICAL EXPLORATION Some computer-based techniques for mineral-resource estimation are shown in Figure 1. Different types of input for resource evaluation and statistical exploration are listed in Figure 2. Most of the techniques of Figure 1 have been discussed in more detail in a review of statistical exploration methods by Agterberg and David (1979). Other recent publications concerned with the subject include a review of resource-appraisal methods by Harris (in press), a compendium of Russian resource-estimation techniques by Rundkvist and others (1979), and the final report on "Prospector", a computer-based conSUltant for mineral exploration which consists of semantic networks encoding subjective models developed by economic geologists (Duda and others, 1979).

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Computer Applications in the Earth Sciences: An Update of the 70s by John C. Griffiths (auth.), Daniel F. Merriam (eds.)

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