J a Emerton's Congress Volume Cambridge 1995 PDF

By J a Emerton

ISBN-10: 9004106871

ISBN-13: 9789004106871

This quantity publishes the papers given by way of invitation on the 15th Congress of the overseas association for the examine of the previous testomony, which was once held at Cambridge in July 1995, below the Presidency of J.A. Emerton. The articles conceal a variety of topics correct to the research of the previous testomony, and replicate the continued debate on quite a few subject matters one of the world's prime modern outdated testomony students.

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Extra info for Congress Volume Cambridge 1995

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An Akkadian text from Ugarit records the king's elevation of a man from the class/status of *qadsu (ina qadsutti issima) to that of maryannu, including a tax exemption to hirn and his sons-evidence, as von Soden (p. 330) observed, that the qds at Ugarit could marry and have children. Two occurrences of the f. 36:14). The interpretation of both is disputed. Cf. Westenholz, pp. 249-50; Grober (1986), p. 147.

153-4), who equates the "male prostitutes (qedeshim)" with the cinaedi or galli known to c1assical writers and the kulu'u. asinnu, and kurgarnl of cuneiform sources. märfm, whom he characterizes as "eunuch priests"-an identification, and characterization, thal" appears to be pure speculation. , by Marglin, who interprets various examples of male transvestitism and self-castration as means of identification with the goddess, but also describes the 42 PHYLLIS A. BIRD prostitution makes sense. only if the qdsym are understood simply as male prostitutes who operate at sanctuaries alongside their female counterparts, offering a choice of sexual partners to male worshippers.

383-5. - - , review of Semitica 12, Biblica 45 (1964), pp. 129-30. - - , review of The Torah (Philadelphia, 1962), Biblica 45 (1964), pp. 281-3. - - - , "Ugaritic lexicography", in Melanges Eugene Tisserant (Rome, 1964), pp. 81104. - - , Psalms I (Garden City, 1965); lJ (1968); 1lJ (1970). J. Derenbourg, (Euvres completes de R. Saadia ben lose! al-Fayyoiimf I: Version arabe du Pentateuque (Paris, 1893). P. Dhorme, "L'emploi metaphorique des noms de parties du corps en hebreu et en akkadien", RB 29 (1920), pp.

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Congress Volume Cambridge 1995 by J a Emerton

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