Contours of Old Testament Theology by Bernhard W. Anderson PDF

By Bernhard W. Anderson

ISBN-10: 0800630742

ISBN-13: 9780800630744

During this masterwork, considered one of America's prime biblical students takes a clean examine the theology of the outdated testomony. Anderson cuts his personal direction and offers us with inventive new insights on the entire significant sections of the previous testomony. He illuminates the nuances of a number of the covenants and theological shifts in a hugely readable variety. His dialog companions comprise the formative members from either the Christian neighborhood (Eichrodt, von Rad, Childs) and the Jewish neighborhood (Heschel, Herberg, Levenson) whereas interacting with the latest advancements within the box, in particular Walter Brueggemann's Theology of the outdated testomony.

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This is evidenl in a rehears al o f the Israelite story, I ~rowgbl y ou i~lo" ~1t1llifo,ll"nJ to? ,,,I III ! ;ocd thil:';s. "'n. Tht pntlll: Jid nOI >dy. ,'"tt. " Im"1lINI Jo "Or /'fDjI. 7:18). In a world o f religious tolerance and sy ncre tism, onc wonders why Israel's imell'reters were so hostile to BaaHsm. One reason, sociological in nature, is [hat Baal religion was tica up with the eity·state culrure aga inst which the Israelites revolted in the ~riod o f the judges and la te r. Elijah's eonlcst again~t Baal, in Ihe famous scene on 1\·lount Carmd ( I Kings 18)," was in part a political struggle against the Phoenician mercantile economy that threatened Israel undc r the inlluence of the aggressive queen, Je zebcl.

20. -targaret S. OddI's perceptiv" review of Le" C. ercise in creating worlds" (p. 244). ~ the discussion of Paul Ricoeurs henneneutic of language, above, chapter 3. 21. )', "The Song of ~'\iriam Poetically and Theologically Considered,Nin Dimel'Im, ,PI Bibli,~1 Hcbnw P<>rtry, cd. " BR 5, no. 1 {1989) 14---15 , 34. (e ill tbe World 11. , the subsequent discussion of God's "condL"SCension" or "accommodalion," chap- ter 8. s Pre>s. 1998)_ B . 4 Co; in ~ , The Characterization of Yah"'eh 7. THE CHARACTERIZATION OF YAHWEH Wt' have Sl't'tl that Ihe Cod revealed to Israel is not an indfable, inscnJlab le, unknowable "Ir" but a "\o"ho: as expressed narrativdy in many ways.

A Social Security num ber). The astounding witness of the O ld Testament is tha t the holy 1. 4. }ohannes Pede r~en. /""rI, fl' Uj. ,,~J Cuhurf, I rans. As laug Mo l1e~, 4 vols. printed in 2 (Oxford, Oxford Univ. ,s, 1926-40), 1- 2 :245- 59. "JIY God is not nameless but has a peT50nal na~ , so that w OT5hipeT5 may call on this God in prayer. usi ng the language of "Thou· Paraphrased in more philosophical language: God does no t remain as Being: being-in. itself, metaphysicill reillity and power; ra: ther, Cod is kno ....

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Contours of Old Testament Theology by Bernhard W. Anderson

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