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This will tell you how many options are in your list. You can also manipulate this value to change your list. This references a specific option's properties within your select object. "Index" is the array number of the option you desire. We also need to take a look at the option element. Even though the option element is an object in its own right, it can never be placed anywhere else other than within a select tag. Table 2. Properties of the Option Object Property value text Description The value of the option.

FormName" puts whatever you passed as a parameter to the constructor as the form name in the actual form tag written to the page - just as if you had coded it by hand! write("

"); } We make sure we close off the form as the last write. The Moment of Truth Now, our object should be ready to roll. write() to output to the browser, you must write your method in the BODY of the page, not the HEAD. Your object code can go in the head, but when you actually call the method, it must be in the body.

We won't get any deeper into them than that in this paragraph, since they are an advanced subject. But you don't need to know much about them to use them. The constructor is basically a type of function, and is capitalized with the name of the object is builds. In this case, it builds an OPTION element, so it is of course called Option(). Adding the new keyword in front of it builds a new option for us. To do it, we need to pass the constructor a couple of parameters. We have to tell it what is going to serve as the value property of the OPTION and what is going to serve as the text property (what the user sees).

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DMXzone - JavaScript for Breakfast

by Anthony

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