S. Bobryakov, M. Rosenberg's Elsevier's dictionary of technical abbreviations in English PDF

By S. Bobryakov, M. Rosenberg

ISBN-10: 0080460194

ISBN-13: 9780080460192

ISBN-10: 0444515615

ISBN-13: 9780444515612

Англо-русский словарь технических сокращений содержит около 65,000 терминов в различных областях техники и технологии. Сокращения широко используется в технической литературе и, как правило, они создают трудности для читателя. Многочисленные аббревиатуры, используемые в технической литературе, посвященной космосу, сельскому хозяйству, электронике, информатике, химии, термодинамике, ядерной технике, холодильной технике, криогенике, машиностроению, авиации, бизнесу, бухгалтерскому учету, оптике, радиоэлектронике, и военной области, в том числе сокращения, используемые в в широком масштабе ВМФ, ВВС и армии. Во многих случаях идентичные сокращения широко применяются в различных областях техники и технологии, хотя обозначают разные понятия, до нескольких десятков значений в зависимости от технической области. Записи расположены в алфавитном порядке. Был изучен широкий спектр литературы и проведены многочисленные консультации с экспертами. Поэтому трудно переоценить значение данного словаря для НИИ, исследователей, ученых, переводчиков и лингвистов.

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Sample text

Grekov was the ablest exponent of this view, and his work was continued by other Soviet historians. These scholars carefully delineated the early origin of agriculture in Russia and its great complexity and extent prior to as well as after the establishment of the Kievan state. In point of time, as mentioned earlier, agriculture in southern Russia goes back to the Scythian ploughmen and even to a neolithic civilization of the fourth millennium before Christ. The past of the East Slavs also testifies to their ancient and fundamental link with agriculture.

Written sources offer further support of the case. "Products of the earth" were mentioned as early as the sixth century in a reference to the Antes. " Kievan writings illustrate the central position of agriculture in Kievan life. Bread emerges as the principal food of people, oats of horses. Bread and water represent the basic ration, much bread is associated with abundance, while a drought means a calamity. It should be noted that the Kievan Russians knew the difference between winter grain and spring grain.

Other historians indicate as the terminal point, for example, the capture and the sacking of Kiev in 1169 by Prince Andrew Bogoliubskii of Suzdal and his decision to remain in the northeast rather than move to the city on the Dnieper. As the ultimate date of Kievan history, 1240 also has a certain claim: in that year Kiev, already a shadow of its former self in importance, was thoroughly destroyed by the Mongols, who established their dominion over conquered Russia. The Rise of the Kievan State Oleg, the first historical ruler of Kiev, remains in most respects an obscure figure.

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Elsevier's dictionary of technical abbreviations in English and Russian by S. Bobryakov, M. Rosenberg

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