Debra A Kaden, Tracie L. Rose's Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and PDF

By Debra A Kaden, Tracie L. Rose

ISBN-10: 0128041110

ISBN-13: 9780128041116

ISBN-10: 0128041250

ISBN-13: 9780128041253

Environmental and overall healthiness concerns in Unconventional Oil and gasoline improvement offers a sequence of authoritative views from different viewpoints on key matters correct within the use of directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing, supplying a well timed presentation of considered necessary details at the implications of those applied sciences for these attached to unconventional oil and shale gasoline development.

Utilizing services from more than a few members in academia, non-governmental corporations, and the oil and gasoline undefined, Environmental and healthiness matters in Unconventional Oil and gasoline improvement is an important source for lecturers and execs within the oil and gasoline, environmental, and overall healthiness and defense industries in addition to for coverage makers.

  • Offers a multi-disciplinary appreciation of the environmental and healthiness concerns concerning unconventional oil and shale gasoline improvement
  • Serves as a collective source for lecturers and pros within the oil and gasoline, environmental, wellbeing and fitness, and protection industries, in addition to environmental scientists and policymakers
  • Features a various and professional team of bankruptcy authors from academia, non-governmental businesses, governmental firms, and the oil and gasoline industry

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Additional info for Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development

Example text

DOE, Washington, DC. S. Energy Information Administration, 2015c. Drilling Productivity Report, June 2015. DOE, Washington, DC. S. Energy Information Administration, 2015d. Monthly Energy Review (March 2015). Washington, DC: DOE. gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/ EMF (Energy Modeling Forum), 2013. Changing the Game? Emissions Markets and Implications of New Natural Gas Supplies. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Environmental Defense Fund, 2014. Model Regulatory Framework for Hydraulically Fractured Hydrocarbon Production Wells.

Monthly Energy Review (March 2015). Washington, DC: DOE. gov/totalenergy/data/monthly/ EMF (Energy Modeling Forum), 2013. Changing the Game? Emissions Markets and Implications of New Natural Gas Supplies. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Environmental Defense Fund, 2014. Model Regulatory Framework for Hydraulically Fractured Hydrocarbon Production Wells. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015. Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas on Drinking Water Resources (External Review Draft).

However, challenges exist in using epidemiological studies to inform industry-wide assessments: (1) populations living near development sites are usually small, limiting the outcomes that can be studied and the size of the effect. (2) Exposure pathways and potential releases are site-specific. (3) Potential health end points are unspecific and vague, and can be the result of unrelated exposures. Due to the significant cost associated with epidemiology studies, pathways assessments tend to rely on environmental measurements and modeling (Nieuwenhuijsen, 2006).

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Environmental and Health Issues in Unconventional Oil and Gas Development by Debra A Kaden, Tracie L. Rose

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