Neville A. Stanton's Human Factors in Alarm Design PDF

By Neville A. Stanton

ISBN-10: 0203481712

ISBN-13: 9780203481714

ISBN-10: 0203789954

ISBN-13: 9780203789957

ISBN-10: 0748401091

ISBN-13: 9780748401093

Concentrating on the appliance of human elements and ergonomics within the layout of alarm structures, this publication brings jointly all of the disparate components in one volume.;  the purpose of the e-book is to provide present human issue concerns concerning alarm layout in a number of environment, similar to commercial alarm structures in strategy industries, aviation, cars and extensive care.  It argues that the critical brief comings of alarm platforms will be triumph over by using human elements assessment and layout integration techniques.  Contributors cover the parts of HCI, activity research, education, group of workers choice, and layout  and human habit in an emergency, which after all, will be stimulated certainly and negatively by means of the layout and deployment of alarm systems. 

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E. VDU alarm list), though some annunciators still remain. At Heysham 2, a recently commissioned UK AGR, there are about 18 000 alarms per reactor (Jackson, 1988). A VDU alarm list typically consists of a list of one line messages which appear on the screen in time sequence. A new alarm appears at the bottom of the list and, as the screen fills after 25 or so messages, the screen is cleared and an alarm message appears at the top of a new page. Various facilities may be provided for paging back and forth through the list and, in addition, highlighting techniques such as colour coding may be provided to distinguish between different information types.

Marshall • Subjects did not find that the experiment became progressively fatiguing or boring. Real-world situation It should be noted that the experiment was a highly idealized representation of the operator’s task during a plant transient and factors in a real situation could well affect the rate at which an operator can read alarm text messages. In reality factors that might lead to faster performance than observed in these tests are: • the possibility for scanning down the alarm list; • the alarms will often be in a logical, transient-dependent sequence not in random order; • the operator may be allowed by the system to ‘categorize’ a whole page of alarms at the same time; • the display system will not have messages disappearing off the top of the screen or continuously scrolling, which was probably a slight source of distraction in the experiment; and • the operator has access to a rich variety of contextual information.

Each simple message consisted of a subject, a verb and an object. The messages were divided into target and non-target types. Accuracy was used as the measure of task performance. The results from the experiments showed that increasing the message rate and the number of categories significantly reduced the accuracy of performance, while changes in presentation format did not. e. the subjects had enough time to read and understand the messages, but not necessarily enough time to accurately respond to them.

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Human Factors in Alarm Design by Neville A. Stanton

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