Download e-book for iPad: Infectious Diseases of Haiti (GIDEON Ebook series) by Inc GIDEON Informatics, Dr. Stephen Berger

By Inc GIDEON Informatics, Dr. Stephen Berger

ISBN-10: 1617550906

ISBN-13: 9781617550904

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Clin Infect Dis 2010 Jan 13; Medicine (Baltimore) 2008 May ;87(3):167-76. © 2010 GIDEON Informatics, Inc. com All Rights Reserved. Page 37 of 314 Free. Promotional use only - not for resale. Bartonellosis - other systemic Infectious Diseases of Haiti - 2010 edition Bartonellosis - other systemic Agent BACTERIUM. Bartonella quintana, B. koehlereae, B. elizabethae, B. tamiae, B. washoensis, etc A fastidious gram-negative coccobacillus Reservoir Human Louse Rat Cat Dog Sheep Vector Louse (Pediculus) Flea - rare (Ctenocephalides, Pulex) Vehicle Wound or eye contact with secretions/louse feces Incubation Period 9d - 25d (range 4d - 35d) Diagnostic Tests Serology.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J Perinatol 2007 Mar ;27(3):175-80. Muscle Nerve 2009 Aug ;40(2):271-8. JAMA 1979 Feb 2;241(5):475-7. Eye (Lond) 1994 ;8 ( Pt 6):646-8. Semin Neurol 2004 Jun ;24(2):155-63. Muscle Nerve 1998 Jun ;21(6):701-10. Clin Infect Dis 2005 Oct 15;41(8):1167-73. 8. Neurology 2005 Dec 13;65(11):1694-700. 9. Emerg Infect Dis 2009 Jun ;15(6):969-71. 10. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007 Aug ;77(2):386-9. 11. J Infect Dis 2009 Apr 1;199(7):1029-31. 12. 1295 13. J Pediatr Surg 2009 Oct ;44(10):e5-7. 14.

Chlamydia infections, misc. 7% of pregnant women in the Artibonite Valley (1996) 12% of pregnant women in Cite Soleil are infected with Chlamydia, Gonorrhea - or both (1995 publication) © 2010 GIDEON Informatics, Inc. com All Rights Reserved. 37 Page 49 of 314 Free. Promotional use only - not for resale. Chlamydia infections, misc. Infectious Diseases of Haiti - 2010 edition References 1. Sex Transm Dis 2008 Sep ;35(9):827-33. 2. Hinyokika Kiyo 2008 Apr ;54(4):301-4. 3. Korean J Lab Med 2008 Aug ;28(4):293-8.

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Infectious Diseases of Haiti (GIDEON Ebook series) by Inc GIDEON Informatics, Dr. Stephen Berger

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