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By Andrew Farmer

ISBN-10: 0203440110

ISBN-13: 9780203440117

ISBN-10: 0415145147

ISBN-13: 9780415145145

ISBN-10: 0415145155

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The most publicised heavy metals emissions are those of lead in motor vehicle exhausts, where the lead is specifically added to petrol as an anti-knocking agent. The metals of most concern are arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, chromium, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, silver, tin, titanium, vanadium and zinc. Aerial emissions do constitute important sources and impacts of heavy metals. However, it is arguable that more extensive impacts do occur in freshwater and marine ecosystems, and therefore in this book, further consideration of the problem of heavy metals can be found in later chapters.

Acidifying air pollutants deposited in rain, snow, cloud and mist. The two principal primary causes of acid rain are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. As these pollutants are transported over long distances, they are oxidised in the air to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Typically, the deposition of such pollutants may take place many hundreds of kilometres from their source. Indeed a small proportion of the acid rain deposited in north-west Europe is derived from North America. It is this international nature of the emission/deposition relationship with acid rain that is the reason for considerable diplomatic efforts by some countries to deal with the problem.

Perhaps the best-known toxic-metal air pollutant is lead. 5 µg/m3 as an annual mean. e. the main concerns are over long-term exposure to relatively low concentrations. g. the kidneys. e. when encephalopathy was diagnosed. This requires a blood lead concentration of 80–100 µg/1. g. from lead paint, and are not usually caused by general atmospheric pollution. However, more detailed studies have shown that at concentrations in the blood of 20–30 µg/1, effects on development of the central nervous system, kidney damage and impairment of haemoglobin synthesis will occur.

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Managing Environmental Pollution (Routledge Environmental Management Series) by Andrew Farmer

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