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By Steven Sanderson (auth.), Ewan Buckingham, Clay Andres, Steve Anglin, Mark Beckner, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, Michelle Lowman, Matthew Moodie, Duncan Parkes, Jeffrey Pepper, Frank Pohlmann, Douglas Pundick, Ben Ren

ISBN-10: 1430228865

ISBN-13: 9781430228868

ISBN-10: 1430228873

ISBN-13: 9781430228875

Author Steven Sanderson has noticeable the ASP.NET MVC Framework mature from the beginning, so his event, mixed with finished insurance of the entire new beneficial properties, together with these within the legit MVC improvement toolkit, bargains the clearest realizing of ways this interesting new framework can enhance your coding potency. With this ebook, you’ll achieve priceless updated wisdom of safeguard, deployment, and interoperability challenges.

The ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework introduces an intensive high-productivity programming version that promotes cleanser code structure, test-driven improvement, and robust extensibility, mixed with the entire advantages of ASP.NET 3.5.

In this ebook, the center model-view-controller (MVC) architectural suggestions should not easily defined or mentioned in isolation, yet are proven in motion. You’ll paintings via a longer instructional to create a operating e-commerce net software that mixes ASP.NET MVC with C# language good points and unit-testing most sensible practices. by means of gaining this important, useful event, you’ll become aware of MVC’s strengths and weaknesses for yourself—and positioned your best-learned thought into practice.

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This version of the action will be responsible for receiving submitted data and deciding what to do with it. Writing these as two separate C# methods helps keep your code tidy, since the two methods have totally different responsibilities. However, from outside, the pair of C# methods will be seen as a single logical action, since they will have the same name and are invoked by requesting the same URL. Models namespace; otherwise, Visual Studio won’t recognize the type GuestResponse. The least brain-taxing way to do this is to position the caret on the unrecognized word, GuestResponse, and then press Ctrl+dot.

NET MVC APPLICATION ■ Tip Practice jumping quickly from an action method to its default view and back again. In Visual Studio, position the caret inside either of your action methods, right-click, and choose Go To View, or press Ctrl+M and then Ctrl+G. You’ll jump directly to the action’s default view. To jump from a view to its associated action, right-click anywhere in the view markup and choose Go To Controller, or press Ctrl+M and then Ctrl+G again. This saves you from hunting around when you have lots of tabs open.

You have total control over the requests passing between browser and server, so you can fine-tune your user experience as much as you like. Ajax is easy, and there aren’t any automatic postbacks to interfere with client-side state! Any developer who primarily focuses on the Web will almost certainly find this to be hugely freeing and the workday more satisfying. Testability MVC architecture gives you a great start in making your application maintainable and testable, because you will naturally separate different application concerns into different, independent software pieces.

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Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework by Steven Sanderson (auth.), Ewan Buckingham, Clay Andres, Steve Anglin, Mark Beckner, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, Michelle Lowman, Matthew Moodie, Duncan Parkes, Jeffrey Pepper, Frank Pohlmann, Douglas Pundick, Ben Ren

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