Download PDF by Matthew MacDonald: Pro Silverlight 4 in C# : Create cross-platform .NET

By Matthew MacDonald

ISBN-10: 1430229802

ISBN-13: 9781430229803

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Example text

In Silverlight, classes are resolved by mapping XML namespaces to Silverlight namespaces. org/markup-compatibility/2006" The xmlns attribute is a specialized attribute in the world of XML, and it’s reserved for declaring namespaces. This snippet of markup declares four namespaces that you’ll find in every page you create with Visual Studio or Expression Blend. ■ Note XML namespaces are declared using attributes. These attributes can be placed inside any element start tag. However, convention dictates that all the namespaces you need to use in a document should be declared in the very first tag, as they are in this example.

Make sure the option “Host the Silverlight application in a new website” is checked. NET website. Web at the end, as shown in Figure 1-7. In the drop-down list underneath, choose the way you want Visual Studio to manage your project—either as a web project or as a website. The choice has no effect on how Silverlight works. If you choose Web Project, Visual Studio uses a project file to track the contents of your web application and compiles your web page code into a single assembly before you run it.

Aspx. NET solution starts. js file (which has JavaScript helper functions for creating and initializing the Silverlight content region). Figure 1-8. NET option provides essentially the same debugging experience as a Silverlight-only solution. NET website. NET website) and looks for the currently selected page. It then launches the default browser and navigates to that page. The difference is that it doesn’t request the start page directly from the file system. Instead, it communicates with its built-in test web server.

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Pro Silverlight 4 in C# : Create cross-platform .NET applications for the browser by Matthew MacDonald

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