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By I. Thatcher

ISBN-10: 1403998981

ISBN-13: 9781403998989

This can be a stimulating and hugely unique number of essays from a group of the world over popular specialists. The individuals reinterpret key concerns and debates, together with political, social, cultural and overseas elements of the Russian revolution stretching from the past due imperial interval into the early Soviet country. With a specific emphasis on historiography, it will be crucial examining for an figuring out of the using forces of the revolution, of the position of people equivalent to Lenin and Trotsky in addition to the wider social and political panorama, and the impression the revolution had at the wider global.

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Additional info for Reinterpreting Revolutionary Russia: Essays in Honour of James D. White

Example text

Ascher, Revolution of 1905, vol. 2, pp. 245–9, 326: Ascher, Stolypin, pp. 138–47. Geifman, TSK, p. 228. D. Dahlmann, ‘Ein politischer Prozess im vorrevolutionären Russland: Sozialrevolutionäre vor Gericht’ in H. Haumann and S. Plaggenborg (eds), Aufbruch der Gesellschaft im verordneten Staat: Russland in der Spätphase des Zarenreiches (Frankfurt, 1994), pp. 217–41. Geifman, TSK, p. 21. , p. 253. J. Sanborn, Drafting the Russian Nation: Military Conscription, Total War and Mass Politics, 1905–1917 (DeKalb, 2003).

This trend showed that the terrorists had ceased to be high-minded idealists, if indeed they ever were, and were in many cases scarcely distinguishable from common bandits. They lost the support they had initially enjoyed among liberally inclined members of the educated public; having forfeited legitimacy, they were reduced to a marginal phenomenon, on the defensive against the forces of ‘law and order’ in a country that had now embarked, however hesitantly, on a constitutional experiment. 2 Such attitudes were common at the time in ‘society’, so great was the contempt for autocracy; it found expression in acts of benevolence towards terrorists, such as harbouring ‘illegals’ seeking to escape police surveillance.

6 This suggests the importance of foreign pressure, particularly coming from the Tsar’s greatest creditor, France, at a time when the Russian government’s finances were in a parlous condition. 9 Indeed, the new liberal daily, The Tribune, argued that ‘English financiers should not participate’ as the granting of financial aid would shore up the regime against the people. 10 This was a minority view, however, as the loan came to be seen as necessary to counteract the growing threat to British interests from Germany.

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Reinterpreting Revolutionary Russia: Essays in Honour of James D. White by I. Thatcher

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