Download e-book for kindle: The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: by Russ Harris

By Russ Harris

ISBN-10: 1590305841

ISBN-13: 9781590305843

Are you, like milllions of usa citizens, stuck within the happiness seize? Russ Harris explains that the best way such a lot people move approximately looking for happiness finally ends up making us depressing, riding the epidemics of rigidity, anxiousness, and melancholy. This empowering booklet offers  the insights and methods of ACT (Acceptance and dedication remedy) a innovative new psychotherapy in accordance with state of the art study in behavioral psychology. by way of clarifying your values and constructing mindfulness (a method for residing totally within the current moment), ACT is helping you get away the happiness seize and locate actual pride in lifestyles.

    The innovations provided in The Happiness Trap may help readers to:

   • Reduce pressure and fear
   • Handle painful emotions and options extra successfully
   • Break self-defeating conduct
   • Overcome lack of confidence and self-doubt
   • Create a wealthy, complete, and significant lifestyles

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15a. I try to suppress thoughts and feelings that I don’t like by just not thinking about them. 15b. I don’t try to suppress thoughts and feelings that I don’t like. I just let them come and go of their own accord. To score your test, count the number of times you selected option ‘a’ or ‘b’. (Please keep a record of your score. ) The more times you selected option ‘a’, the greater the likelihood that control issues are creating significant suffering in your life. How so? Well, that’s the subject of the next chapter.

4. Many of these control strategies have actually taken you further away from the life you would ideally like to have. Feeling a bit dazed, confused or disturbed? If so ... good! This is a major shift in your reality, one that challenges many deeply entrenched beliefs. Strong reactions are quite normal. Of course, if your control strategies have not had significant costs, or if they have brought you closer to the life you want, then they are not problematic and we don’t need to focus on them. In ACT we are only concerned about the control strategies that put a drag on your quality of life in the long run.

It was exactly the same control strategy, but when I used it excessively, it clearly had serious consequences. If you’re worried about upcoming exams, you may try to distract yourself from the anxiety by watching television. Now, that’s fine if you’re only doing it every now and then, but if you do it too much, you’ll spend all your evenings watching television and you won’t get any studying done. This, in turn, will create more anxiety as your studies lag further and further behind. Therefore, as a method for anxiety control, distraction simply can’t work in the long run.

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The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT by Russ Harris

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