Edward F. Edinger, Joan Dexter Blackmer's The Mysterium lectures: a journey through C.G. Jung's PDF

By Edward F. Edinger, Joan Dexter Blackmer

ISBN-10: 091912366X

ISBN-13: 9780919123663

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Well, one way of seeing it is that paralysis of the legs roots one to the spot. It's almost as though the lower extremities merge with the earth. This would correspond to the experience of discovering that one doesn't have the capacity to stand on one's own feet. Through those experiences one discovers what the source of support is when one can't stand on one's ownwhen the ego can't provide the necessary support. Another way of seeing the dropsical lower limbs is that the old woman, in her lower extremities, merges with water; she is something like a mermaid.

It cannot emerge, it doesn't have any room to emerge, until the ego has ceased to identify with the conflict. 2. The Solar Table In paragraph 5, Jung speaks of the fact that not only do the opposites arrange themselves in pairs, they also arrange themselves in quaternities. As an example, he mentions this interesting picture in Stolcenberg's Viridarium chymicum (figure 1-5). It is a picture of a round table with four feminine figures sitting at it, each with the head of the sun. Those four figures represent the sun as it is placed in the circle of the Zodiac in the four seasons of the year.

Network thinking is neither linear nor meandering and associational. It's purposeful, but it is also concerned with elaborating a network of expanded meanings deriving from a central image. It is thinking that is oriented around a center, and moves radially to and from that center, circumambulating it. It goes back and forth, returning to the central image again and again, building up a rich associative cluster of interconnecting imagessomething like a spider web. 5 This is what Mysterium is. And if you take it as a whole, the net result is an exceedingly rich picture of the anatomy of individuation, with all its interconnecting images dissected out for us.

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The Mysterium lectures: a journey through C.G. Jung's Mysterium coniunctionis by Edward F. Edinger, Joan Dexter Blackmer

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