New PDF release: The Perl CD Bookshelf v4.0

By Linda Mui, Inc O'Reilly & Associates, O'Reilly & Associates Inc

ISBN-10: 0596006225

ISBN-13: 9780596006228

Model 4.0 of O'Reilly's The Perl CD Bookshelf offers programmers handy on-line entry to their favourite Perl books, all from their CD-ROM force. we now have up-to-date this best-selling product with digital types of six well known books. incorporated are the second one versions of Perl in a Nutshell, and getting to know average Expressions; the 3rd versions of studying Perl and Programming Perl; and a pair of new titles: studying Perl gadgets, References, and Modules, and the long-awaited moment version of Perl Cookbook. A paperback model of Perl in a Nutshell rounds out this really good package deal. additionally it is helpful content material instantly from the O'Reilly community. Formatted in HTML, The Perl CD Bookshelf, model 4.0, might be accessed with any net browser. as well as person indexes for every ebook, there's a grasp index for the whole library. With this CD Bookshelf, programmers get a whole Perl library they could simply hold at any place.

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Example text

A sequence of statements that defines a scope is called a block. Generally, a block is delimited by braces, or { }. Compound statements are built out of expressions and blocks. A conditional expression is evaluated to determine whether a statement block will be executed. Compound statements are defined in terms of blocks, not statements, which means that braces are required. Any block can be given a label. , they begin with a letter or underscore and can contain alphanumerics and underscores). statements...

5. Threads Copyright © 2002 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. 5. 6 and later also include native multithreading capability, which is distributed with Perl as a set of modules. 005 release, but should still be considered an experimental feature and aren't automatically compiled in with Perl. WARNING: Pay close attention to Configure when you build Perl so that you don't include threads support if you don't want it. You might want to build a separate version of Perl with threads enabled, if you'd like to test the threads feature under your platform.

The Perl Executable Contents: Command Processing Command-Line Options Environment Variables The Perl Compiler Threads The perl executable is normally installed in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin on your machine. Some people often refer to perl as the Perl interpreter, but this isn't strictly correct, as you'll learn shortly. Every Perl program must be passed through the Perl executable to be executed. The first line in many Perl programs is something like: "INDEX-139" /> For Unix systems, this #! (hash-bang or shebang) line tells the shell to look for the /usr/bin/perl program and pass the rest of the file to that /usr/bin/perl for execution.

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The Perl CD Bookshelf v4.0 by Linda Mui, Inc O'Reilly & Associates, O'Reilly & Associates Inc

by James

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