Download e-book for kindle: The Pilgrimage Pattern in Exodus by Mark S. Smith

By Mark S. Smith

ISBN-10: 185075652X

ISBN-13: 9781850756521

Underlying Exodus in its priestly redaction is a pilgrimage. Smith's new publication begins via reviewing pilgrimage shrines, feasts and practices in old Israel. subsequent, it examines the 2 pilgrimage trips in Exodus. In Exodus 1-15 Moses trips to Mount Sinai, stories God and gets his fee. In Exodus 16-40, Moses and the folk jointly trip to Mount Sinai for the people's event of God and their fee. among lies Exodus 15, the fulcrum-point of the booklet: vv. 1-12 glance again and vv. 13-18 watch for Israel's trip to Sinai. eventually, the various meanings of torah within the publication of Exodus are contrasted, and the ebook concludes with a attention of Exodus's better position within the Pentateuch.

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In a work of synthesis such as this one, it is impossible not to let the voices of predecessors in this work be heard. In the end, it is my hope that readers will see the vision of the priestly redaction of Exodus and the Pentateuch: a portrait of Israel's holy life making pilgrimage to and sojourning with God, created not only through the content of stories and teaching, but also by the way these materials were arranged. Theological perspectives informed the process of composition and resulted in a literary masterpiece that could instill in readers a vision of the Holy God of Israel and a way of life that has lasted millennia.

This situation may be related to the Christian championing of 'the spirit of the law' as opposed to 'the letter of the law'. 61. M. Ford has suggested that at least some of final lectionary readings on Sundays should come from the Old Testament instead of the New Testament Gospels so as to suggest to Catholic audiences that the Old Testament offers an authentic witness without need of fulfillment or explanation from a New Testament passage. See Ford, 'The New Covenant, Jesus, and Canonization', in R.

297-300. 48 The Pilgrimage Pattern in Exodus decide. Yet even if this is so, the connections and insights, to echo Noth's turn of phrase, remain nonetheless, and they offer a productive literary and theological reading of Exodus. Part III recapitulates many of the general points made in Part II and offers a wider context for discussing Exodus. Chapter 10 steps back from the redactional details provided in Chapters 6 through 9 in order to provide an overview of the theology of the priestly redaction and the notions of law that inform Exodus.

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The Pilgrimage Pattern in Exodus by Mark S. Smith

by Kevin

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