Robert Sobel's The Pursuit of Wealth - The Incredible Story of Money PDF

By Robert Sobel

ISBN-10: 0070596131

ISBN-13: 9780070596139

An epic saga that recounts the turbulent heritage of cash. The Pursuit of Wealth is an interesting 5,000 yr trip during the evolution of cash and making an investment. From hazard as opposed to go back in Mesopotamia via contemporary rough-and-tumble, high-stakes inventory markets, this behind-the-scenes story will intrigue either monetary historians and history-minded traders alike.
Barron's columnist Robert Sobel weaves a richly textured story of danger and the by no means finishing quest for wealth because the sunrise of guy. The Pursuit of Wealth - choked with gripping tales, stories of battle, and legacies of serious fortunes received and misplaced - is way greater than easily a compelling learn; it offers worthy insights that may be utilized to state-of-the-art turbulent instances.

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And for the next 250 years was ruled by kings. Throughout these roughly two and a half centuries, Rome was a small city-state in central Italy whose greatest opponent, the city-state of Veii, lay barely more than 10 miles up the road. , Rome ruled an empire that stretched from the Sahara in the south to the English Channel in the north, and from the Atlantic to the Rhine, Danube, and Euphrates rivers. The Romans accomplished what only one Greek, the great Alexander, could even imagine: they created one state that included virtually every center of Western civilization.

Economies within the borders of the old Roman Empire continued along the path set in the late imperial period, that is, large, mostly self-sufficient agricultural estates. , a small wealthy aristocracy monopolized landowning and thus the economic system of the Roman world. The distribution system, in particular, was inefficient, leaving the majority of the population near starvation. Germanic society, however, was little better. Most Germans had been herdsmen and farmers, and within their ranks there was also an hereditary nobility who owed their prominence to their positions within the clans that dominated Germanic society.

Its people spoke a Greek dialect; its origin was linked mythologically to the Greek world; and its religion was Greek. But politically, Macedonia was primarily a tribal society ruled by kings. During most of its existence, this northern Greek land was divided, its king able to hold on to only a small part of the territory known as Macedonia. , all of this began to change dramatically, when Philip II came to the throne. , through clever diplomacy and military success, he had united Macedonia in its entirety under his leadership and had joined the Greek city-states to him in a federation.

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The Pursuit of Wealth - The Incredible Story of Money Throughout The Ages by Robert Sobel

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