The Road to Berlin: Stalin’s War with Germany - download pdf or read online

By John Erickson

ISBN-10: 1474603033

ISBN-13: 9781474603034

Finishing the main accomplished and authoritative research ever written of the Soviet-German conflict, John Erickson during this quantity tells the brilliant and compelling tale of the crimson Army's epic fight to force the Germans from Russian soil. starting with the destruction of the German military at Stalingrad, he describes a crusade of virtually unbelievable trouble and scuffling with that ended in the Soviet invasion of the Reich and the effective trap of Berlin.

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Extra info for The Road to Berlin: Stalin’s War with Germany

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Army Group Don’s strength was set at thirty divisions, seventeen of which faced the South-Western Front, 13th, 5th Shock and 51st Armies of Stalingrad Front; in front of 5th Shock were units of XLVIII Panzer Corps (and prisoner interrogation indicated that 17th Panzer Division was in reserve at Tormosin), while ten divisions (six of them Rumanian) were ahead of 51st Army. -Gen. -Gen. Yeremenko suspected that there was a big German armoured claw at Kotelnikovo; he had advanced two cavalry divisions from 4th Corps towards Kotelnikovo at the end of November, and both were severely mauled early in December.

John Erickson University of Edinburgh 1982 1 ‘Surrender is Ruled Out’: The End at Stalingrad In a matter of only days, from 19 to 23 November 1942, the impossible, the unthinkable and the unimaginable happened on the Eastern Front. The formidable German Sixth Army commanded by General Friedrich von Paulus was caught in a giant Soviet encirclement west of Stalingrad. Two powerful Soviet armoured thrusts, striking from Kletskaya to the north of the city and from the ‘Beketovka bell’ to the south, hurled aside the flimsy Rumanian divisions covering the German flanks and raced to link up near Sovetskii, a dozen or so miles south-east of Kalach, on 22 November.

However, a hint of Hitler’s obduracy and his deepest instinct to hold Stalingrad at all costs and to pinion Sixth Army came with his reaction to news of von Seydlitz’s unauthorized withdrawal: ironically and fantastically, von Paulus became suspect as less than steadfast, whereupon Hitler detached 51st Corps from Sixth Army and put von Seydlitz in command of the north-east sector, personally responsible to the Führer. This hardly settled the fate of Sixth Army but the decisions of the morning of 24 November and the intervention of Reichsmarschall Göring, guaranteeing the supply of the encircled army—by air—tipped the scales decisively.

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The Road to Berlin: Stalin’s War with Germany by John Erickson

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