The Russian story book, containing tales from the by Richard Wilson; Frank Cheyne Papé PDF

By Richard Wilson; Frank Cheyne Papé

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Extra info for The Russian story book, containing tales from the song-cycles of Kiev and Novgorod and other early sources

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Such was Cloudfall the shaggy bay steed of Ilya the Old Cossack. " For a few moments Ilya stood in deep silence before the altar, as if pausing to gather strength. Then he vowed a second vow, and it was to this as he took the straight way to the royal town effect of Kiev he would not stain his hand, nor yet the blade of his good keen sword with the blood of the accursed Tatars, the enemies of Holy Russia. A second time he stood in deep silence, as if pausing Then he vowed a to gather still more strength.

By this time Cloudfall was again passing through the air swifter than a falcon in its flight, though his progress was somewhat stayed when he reached the outer rim of the watching host. Ilya brandished his oak, and bringing it down with one mighty blow after another cleared a path through the host as a aid, my ; hurricane makes a lane through a forest. Through the pathway Cloudfall passed, alighting upon the earth again and again, and leaving wherever he touched the host a heap of prostrate warriors.

So he bound the good steed to the casket, girt the great battle-sword about ILYA MEETS SVYATOGOR 3 1 and rode forth upon Cloudfall into the open plain. But as he turned away, he saw the tears of the imprisoned Svyatogor flowing in a crystal stream through the crevice in the iron-bound casket on the lonely hills. his waist, ILYA AND NIGHTINGALE THE ROBBER 33 ILYA AND NIGHTINGALE THE ROBBER THIS is the story of the first of the nightingales, those sweet singers of the evening, each of whom, as the old books tell with certainty, sprang from a poppy seed.

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The Russian story book, containing tales from the song-cycles of Kiev and Novgorod and other early sources by Richard Wilson; Frank Cheyne Papé

by Christopher

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