Download PDF by Mark B. Adams: The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil,

By Mark B. Adams

ISBN-10: 0195053613

ISBN-13: 9780195053616

ISBN-10: 1423763661

ISBN-13: 9781423763666

The 4 members to this quantity study the eugenics hobbies in Germany, France, Brazil, and the Soviet Union, and describe how geneticists and physicians participated within the improvement of guidelines in regards to the development of hereditary features in people. They study the clinical parts of these courses and talk about the involvement of social, spiritual, and political forces that considerably altered the unique clinical targets. The publication opens up new and comparative views at the heritage of eugenics and the social makes use of of technology usually.

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Extra info for The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil, and Russia

Example text

Recognizing that the Minderwertigen were a financial burden to the state who, "despite the expenditure paid out on their behalf are almost never in the position during their working lives to repay the money spent on them," Kaup recommended the creation of work colonies where they could be prevented from having inferior children and could be made to earn their keep at the same time (1913, p. 748). At this time, however, most German eugenicists would have been satisfied with some form of permanent institutionalization.

Even more disconcerting from the German eugenicists' point of view, however, was the Slavic threat: with its army of over a million men, Russia bordered the Reich and was allied with Germany's potential enemies, England and France. " "The preservation of the Nordic race," he argued, "is severely threatened as a result" (1913, p. 171). Schallmayer also expressed fear over the potential slavicization of Germany, although he viewed it more as a threat to the Reich than to the wellbeing of some mystical Nordic stock (1908b, p.

The first, the panel of judges (Schiedgericht), was composed of three respected scholars: Heinrich Ernst Ziegler, zoologist; Johannes Conrad, economist; and Dietrich Schafer, historian. These three men, representing three diverse and "relevant" fields, independently judged and ranked all manuscripts. A prize committee consisting of Haeckel, Conrad, and Stuttgart paleontologist Eberhard Fraas was also established to settle any disparities and deadlocks among the three judges (Ziegler 1903, p. 4).

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The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil, and Russia by Mark B. Adams

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