Download PDF by Meyer Friedman: Type A Behavior: Its Diagnosis and Treatment

By Meyer Friedman

ISBN-10: 0306453576

ISBN-13: 9780306453571

ISBN-10: 1461303958

ISBN-13: 9781461303954

Meyer Friedman, the health practitioner who first pointed out sort A habit (TAB), the following bargains a whole description of the simplest strategy to safely diagnose it. This guidebook deals a step by step description of his progressive procedure that has confirmed profitable in treating hundreds of thousands of TAB victims, in lots of circumstances, assuaging it thoroughly. a very certain source, Type A Behavior good points drawings and pictures illustrating the psychomotor symptoms of TAB. a different appendix lists a sequence of quotations came upon particularly worthy for altering many of the fake trust structures held via TAB subjects.

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From this experience, it has been possible to observe the qualities possessed by those persons who achieved the greatest modification of TAB in the participants of their groups. These qualities are described below. POSSESSION OF WISDOM A large part of type A group counseling consists of encouraging the acquisition of wisdom in the group participants. This means that the group leader must possess this virtue. It is not easy to define the sort of wisdom needed for successful type A counseling, although it is easy enough to define what is not wisdom.

Do not adhere too rigidly to my suggested methods of enquiry, regardless of the personality of the examinee encountered. 10 do so will mimic the fallible stereotype of a questionnaire or so-called "structured interview," not a truly medical search for the diagnostic symptoms and attributes of TAB. For example, if an examinee is a single person or has never driven a car, some of our suggested eliciting queries cannot be employed and the examiner must substitute a different question or mode of enquiry.

With this goal in mind and employing the score values obtained from our examinations of groups 1 and 2, the biometrician of our project, Ghassan Ghandour, employed the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) methodology (McNeel, Keller, & Adelstein, 1975; Swets & Pichett, 1982) to determine which of the cutoff values of the three scores (total, TV, FFH) would provide the greatest diagnostic: 1. Sensitivity: The proportion of postinfarction subjects identified correctly as type A. 2. Specificity: The proportion of type B subjects identified correctly as type B.

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Type A Behavior: Its Diagnosis and Treatment by Meyer Friedman

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