Download e-book for kindle: Vos bijoux en perles et fils de métal by Linda Chandler, Christine Ritchey, Denise Hoerner, Natacha

By Linda Chandler, Christine Ritchey, Denise Hoerner, Natacha Seret

ISBN-10: 235000046X

ISBN-13: 9782350000466

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Extra info for Vos bijoux en perles et fils de métal

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It is the best practical refutation of the maxim, that "there is nothing in the intellect, that was not first in the senses," and of all the sorrowful deductions therefrom [Shelley, 1847, p. 431]. Thornton Hunt stated this view clearly in finding "a more distinct presentof the original ideas [of Queen Mob and The Revolt of Islam], coupled with a much more measured suggestion for acting on them, and a far less bitter allusion to the obstacles; while the charity and love are more all- ment embracing and apparent than ever" ("Shelley," 1863, position was amplified by John Todhunter: Queen Mob p.

THE MANUSCRIPT MATERIALS As has been noted above, the most important item of the Prometheus Unbound manuscript materials was presented to the Bodleian Library by Lady Jane Shelley, and became available to scholars in 1893. I, contains the poet's Library). 1-82 (see Appendix B) . Generally speaking, and certainly so in comparison with most of the extant drafts, these notebooks are reasonably legible to one who is willing to acquaint himself with Shelley's handwriting. There are, however, certain transcriptional difficulties that should be noted.

Imagine one coming across a disconnected passage and, after disentangling it from the confused mass of crisscross lines, being able to identify it as the five hundred and ninety-first line of Prometheus Unbound . [Note Books, pp. Huntington . 34 xi-xii] MS ! 2176 contains the following draft lines for Act IV of Prometheus Unbound: 185-93, 319-27, 370-423, 431-36, 444-48, 457-70, 481-92, 500-16, 519-23, and 529-38. These lines are not, of course, given in the order indicated, as the above comment makes clear, and their complex development and paging will be evident if the transcription in the present consulted (see Appendix A).

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Vos bijoux en perles et fils de métal by Linda Chandler, Christine Ritchey, Denise Hoerner, Natacha Seret

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