Download PDF by Guinevere Liberty Nell (eds.): Basic Income and the Free Market: Austrian Economics and the

By Guinevere Liberty Nell (eds.)

ISBN-10: 1137315938

ISBN-13: 9781137315939

ISBN-10: 1349442615

ISBN-13: 9781349442614

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Socialist Planning and a Socialist Program. New York: Falcon Press. Lange, Oskar. [1936/1937] 1956. “On the Economic Theory of Socialism,” in B. E. ), On the Economic Theory of Socialism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. WELFARE IN THE AUSTRIAN MARKETPLACE 45 Le Grand, Julian and Saul Estrin. 1989. Market Socialism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Lewin, Peter. 2013. ), The Elgar Companion to Hayek. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Lister, Andrew. 2011. ” CSSJ Working Papers Series, SJ017. Lynch, Alberto Benegas.

If cash is truly superior to a gift from a loved one—not only in particular cases but in general—then it follows that we are all better off in isolation: we are the best judge of what we want and should not waste our time being influenced by others who know us less well than we know ourselves. 31. See Nell (Chapter 8). com/2013/01/is-britains-chief-orthodoxrabbi-a-bleeding-heart-libertarian/. 32. Elsewhere Miller (1989: 146–50) explores this concept a bit further. References Abell, Peter. 1989.

Market Socialism: The Debate among Socialists. New York: Routledge. Siebert, Horst. 1997. “Labor Market Rigidities: At the Root of Unemployment in Europe,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 11 (3): 37–54. Skidelsky, Robert and Edward Skidelsky. 2012. How Much Is Enough: Money and the Good Life. New York: Other Press. Sjöberg, Ola. 2008. “Labour Market Mobility and Workers’ Skills in a Comparative Perspective: Exploring the Role of Unemployment Insurance Benefits,” International Journal of Social Welfare 17 (1): 74–83.

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Basic Income and the Free Market: Austrian Economics and the Potential for Efficient Redistribution by Guinevere Liberty Nell (eds.)

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