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By Louise Bryant

ISBN-10: 0971592314

ISBN-13: 9780971592315

Louise Bryant (1885-1936) was once an American journalist and author most sensible identified for her Marxist and anarchist ideals and her essays on radical political and feminist issues. Bryant released articles in numerous radical left journals in the course of her existence. She travelled to Russia along with her husband John Reed in 1917 and 1918. whereas there, they participated in Bolshevik agitation and Communist celebration actions, and wrote articles concerning the pending revolution. Her works contain: Six purple Months in Russia (1918).

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Extra info for Six Red Months in Russia

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It was necessary to make a second trip. ' I asked, puzzled. "'Yes,' he explained, 'she fitted her cell up with pink satin and wore pink satin robes and had lace covers on her cot. In one corner she had specially arranged a shaded electric light that looked like a stage moon. '" Only in Russia could such an extraordinary Arabian Nights' tale be a reality. I asked Panina if she believed in the self-governing of charitable institutions as introduced by Kollontay. Countess Panina flushed with anger and looked at me quizzically.

Alexander Feodorovitch Kerensky will not stay put. I have a feeling as I write this that whatever I say will be ancient history in the light of new, violent developments in the career of this remarkable character. Perhaps he will star in the movies, perhaps. . but no. . he can never be a drawing-room favourite; he is not as cultured as Lenine or Trotsky; he speaks only Russian and a few words of French, while they speak any number of languages, are well up on the classics and even chatter of music.

After the Provisional Government fell, she was arrested for tearing off Bolshevik posters from the walls–tearing them off with her bare hands. The soldier who took her to prison found out who she was as soon as the officials began to question her, and he was filled with remorse. He said that he could understand her actions under the circumstances, and begged the officials to let her off. This request was immediately granted. Kerensky was not blind to the approaching class struggle, but he did not know how to time its appearance.

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Six Red Months in Russia by Louise Bryant

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