Understanding and Managing Public Organizations (Jossey Bass by Hal G. Rainey PDF

By Hal G. Rainey

This e-book deals a finished integration of study on administration and companies, besides a variety of real-life vignettes and examples, to supply an authoritative view of the main concerns dealing with public organisations.

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These officials increased the number of political appointees to high levels within federal agencies. In effect, this demoted career civil servants by placing administration loyalists in positions above them (Volcker Commission, 1989). In addition, aggressive funding cutbacks disrupted many agencies (Rubin, 1985). Some agencies floundered when politically appointed executives were indicted for illegal actions. Experienced observers began to warn of a crisis in the public service and a need for revitalization (Volcker Commission, 1989; Thompson, 1993; Denhardt and Jennings, 1987).

Even so, administration officials attracted little political support for a “good government” initiative. They found they could mobilize support most effectively by stressing the difficulty of firing lazy, incompetent civil servants. Newspapers seized on this angle enthusiastically (Kettl, 1989). Later, surveys found that the act had resulted in high levels of insecurity and discouragement among federal managers. President Reagan attacked federal agencies even more aggressively than President Carter did and worked for cuts in their authority, funding, and staffing.

The Challenge of Effective Public Organization and Management 11 These developments coincided with expressions of concern about the adequacy of our knowledge of public management. S. Office of Personnel Management (1980) organized a prestigious conference at the Brookings Institution that featured statements by prominent academics and government officials about the need for research on public management. It sought to address a widespread concern among both practitioners and researchers about “the lack of depth of knowledge in this field” (p.

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Understanding and Managing Public Organizations (Jossey Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series) by Hal G. Rainey

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