Les Tuniques bleues, tome 24 : Baby blue by Willy Lambil, Raoul Cauvin PDF

By Willy Lambil, Raoul Cauvin

ISBN-10: 2800112433

ISBN-13: 9782800112435

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You know you have reached the very bottom of the social food chain when you detect in a rich person’s voice that he is merely addressing himself and that, although the words he is uttering may be, technically, destined to you, he does not even begin to imagine that you might be capable of understanding them. ” I ask therefore, somewhat listlessly. He sighs conspicuously and on his breath I detect a faint hint of ginger. “It is an incunabulum,” he says and toward my eyes, which I try to render as glassy as possible, he directs the smug gaze of the propertied classes.

I believe that my fate has taught me, better than anyone, to resist the negative influences of world thought. Let me explain: if, thus far, you have imagined that the ugliness of ageing and conciergely widowhood have made a pitiful wretch of me, resigned to the lowliness of her fate—then you are truly lacking in imagination. I have withdrawn, to be sure, and refuse to fight. But within the safety of my own mind, there is no challenge I cannot accept. I may be indigent in name, position, and appearance, but in my own mind I am an unrivalled goddess.

Obscene, even. What is the point of dying if not to not suffer? I’ve devoted great care to planning how I’ll exit the scene: every month for the last year I’ve been pilfering a sleeping pill from Maman’s box on the night table. She takes so many that she wouldn’t even notice if I took one every day, but I’ve decided to be particularly careful. You can’t leave anything to chance when you’ve made a decision that most people won’t understand. ” Therefore, I am headed slowly toward the date of June sixteenth and I’m not afraid.

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Les Tuniques bleues, tome 24 : Baby blue by Willy Lambil, Raoul Cauvin

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