Download e-book for iPad: Wittgenstein in exile by James C. Klagge

By James C. Klagge

ISBN-10: 026201534X

ISBN-13: 9780262015349

ISBN-10: 0262300117

ISBN-13: 9780262300117

Klagge attracts at the complete variety of facts, together with Wittgenstein's released paintings, correspondence, lectures, and conversations to put Wittgenstein's paintings in a wide context alongside a trajectory of notion that incorporates activity, Goethe, and Dostoyevsky.

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It would be tempting to ascribe this pessimistic characterization to the fact that World War II was going on when he wrote that preface. ”10 And Wittgenstein’s friend Drury specifically states: “These words . . must not be taken as the expression of a temporary petulant pessimism. ”11 Wittgenstein meant something more general by his concerns about this time or our age. Wittgenstein was born in 1889 into one of the richest and most cultured families in Central Europe. e. contemporary, or whether it comes from the time of Schumann.

It is now as if we had ploughed furrows in different parts of a field. ” It seems we are to imagine the philosophically perplexed person as a fly caught in a bottle. The bottle is presumably inverted, so that the fly is obsessively flying up to the light against the glass, never able to escape. 62 But presumably showing the fly a “way” is as problematic as herding cats. How can he do it? The answer, and what Wittgenstein meant by this image, is explained by him in comments that he made in reply to a paper by Yorick Smythies on “Understanding”: Cf.

So the philosopher may be left with a language game, but not one that’s worth playing. And this route leads to the embarrassing admission that philosophers only talk to each other—and the rest of the world can safely ignore them. ” We see that Wittgenstein is concerned with much more than ideas; he is concerned with how the ideas are taken. Illusions about the inverted spectrum arise because of what thoughts cross our minds, what distinctions we are tempted to make, and what (apparently) makes sense to us.

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Wittgenstein in exile by James C. Klagge

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